Werbe eine Freundin /
Werbe einen Freund
und erhalte
Rabatt auf die nächste Massage
Werbe eine Freundin /
Werbe einen Freund
und erhalte
Rabatt auf die nächste Massage
By devotion to yourself and
By establishing a relationship with your inner essence,
I want to support the process that gives you awareness about your pure and true magnificence.
By devotion to yourself and
By establishing a relationship with your inner essence,
I want to support the process that gives you awareness about your pure and true magnificence.
By devotion to yourself and
By establishing a relationship with your inner essence,
I want to support the process that gives you awareness about your pure and true magnificence.
By devotion to yourself and
By establishing a relationship with your inner essence,
I want to support the process that gives you awareness about your pure and true magnificence.
About Yoga
The search for the deeper truth attracted me already as a young teenager. The feeling, not being part of a society shaped by the Industrial Age, where people completely lost their inner connection, made me realize again and again; through such a life without connection to myself, I will find no fulfilment. Instead, I sought the liberation of my soul and my personal growth, always feeling that it is the right way to be myself.
Today, I also want to help others to their inner truth through yoga. The translation of the word "yoga" means union. Yoga has the resources and power that lead me, and many others, to a higher level of my/their self.
As a yoga teacher, it is important to me to guide through all parts of yoga, to combine tradition with modernity, and to tap into the full potential of yoga.
With the richness of the wisdom of yoga, we can lead a better, healthier and happier life by mastering the physical, the emotional and the mental.